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![Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice Is An Easy Dish To Make.]()
![honey mustard chicken with rice Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice.]()
Honey, mustard and cream mixed together make a lovely sauce. Add some chicken and you have a great dinner meal I call Honey Mustard Chicken. Without further ado, here is my tried and tested, many times, recipe for Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice for you to make and enjoy while travelling or while at home.
Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice
Dinner Recipes
Serving Size
1-2 servings
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Total Time
30 minutes
![Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice Is An Easy Dish To Make.](https://www.travellers-fare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HoneyMustardChicken.jpg)
Utensils Required
Pot to boil rice
Chopping Board and Knife
Pot / saucepan to cook in
Bowl and fork / spoon.
- Tablespoon oil for cooking
- 2 large chicken breasts cut into pieces
- 1 brown onion
- Handfull frozen or fresh vegetables - your choice - optional.
- 1/2 cup chicken broth/stock - water is OK to use
- 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 cup cream
- 1/4 cup of rice per person
- Put on rice.
- Prepare chicken by cutting into cubes.
- Cut onion into cubes.
- In a bowl add the chicken broth, mustard, honey and cream and mix.
- Heat pan and add chicken and onion pieces.
- When chicken is cooked add the chicken broth mixture.
- Stir until all the liquid ingredients make a nice sauce.
- Serve on a bed of rice.
© 2025 Copyright Travellers Fare
![honey mustard chicken with rice Honey Mustard Chicken With Rice.](https://www.travellers-fare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/honey-mustard-chicken-with-rice.png)