If you love the flavours of Mexican food, then you will love my One Pot Mexican dish. Full of ingredients that you find in many Mexican dishes like peppers, beans, mince beef and taco flavouring, this dish is easy to make and will satisfy any cravings for Mexican food...
Paella is a great staple Spanish dish made from rice, flavourings and local fresh ingredients of prawns, chicken and chorizo sausage. Put it all together and you have an easy, cheap, fast and fabulous meal. This Paella shortcut recipe involves purchasing pre-packaged...
This recipe of shortcut meatballs, mashed potato and vegetables is an easy and nutritious shortcut meal. The meatballs were pre-made and purchased from the supermarket as were the frozen mixed vegetables from the freezer section. I bought two potatoes to make mashed...
Hello, I’m Sharyn
To save money when I travel I cook easy and nutritious meals. And you can too with the recipes for travellers, backpackers and campers here at Travellers Fare. Read More.